
The Mauritius Emerging Technologies Council : Shaping the Future of Innovation

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In an era where technological advancements are reshaping economies and societies worldwide, the Mauritius Emerging Technologies Council (METC) has emerged as a pivotal force driving innovation on the island. Established to harness the potential of emerging technologies, the METC is committed to positioning Mauritius as a leader in the global tech landscape. This article explores the inception, objectives, initiatives, and future prospects of the METC, highlighting its significant impact on Mauritius and beyond.

The METC was founded with a clear vision: to foster a thriving ecosystem for emerging technologies in Mauritius. Recognizing the transformative power of technology, the government of Mauritius established the METC to guide the nation through the digital age. The council’s mission is to promote innovation, create conducive policies, build capacity, and facilitate collaborations that drive technological growth and socio-economic development.

Key Objectives

Promoting Innovation: The METC aims to create an environment that encourages the development and adoption of innovative technologies. By supporting startups and innovators, the council seeks to stimulate creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.

Policy Formulation: Crafting policies that support technological advancement while ensuring ethical standards and addressing societal concerns is a core objective of the METC.

Capacity Building: The council is dedicated to enhancing the skills and knowledge of the local workforce to meet the demands of a technology-driven economy. This includes education and training programs tailored to various demographics.

Collaboration and Partnership: The METC fosters collaborations between government, academia, industry, and international partners to drive technological progress and innovation.

Technology Incubators and Accelerators

One of the METC’s flagship initiatives is the establishment of technology incubators and accelerators. These platforms provide startups with the necessary resources, mentorship, and funding to bring their innovative ideas to life. By nurturing a vibrant startup ecosystem, the METC aims to make Mauritius a hub for technological innovation.

Recognizing the importance of R&D in technological advancement, the METC collaborates with universities and research institutions to support projects in areas such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, biotechnology, and renewable energy. These efforts not only drive innovation but also contribute to global knowledge and technological progress.

To ensure that the benefits of emerging technologies are accessible to all, the METC has launched numerous digital literacy and education programs. These initiatives aim to equip the population with the skills needed to thrive in a digital world, from coding workshops for students to professional development courses for adults.

Since its inception, the METC has made significant strides in transforming the technological landscape of Mauritius. Key achievements include: economic growth (The METC’s initiatives have attracted foreign investments and created high-value jobs, contributing to the economic growth of Mauritius and reducing dependency on traditional industries), Enhanced Global Competitiveness (by fostering innovation and supporting cutting-edge research, the METC has enhanced the global competitiveness of Mauritius, making it an attractive destination for tech companies and entrepreneurs).

The council’s focus on digital literacy and education has had a profound social impact, bridging the digital divide and ensuring that all segments of the population can benefit from the technological revolution.

Looking ahead, the METC is poised to explore new frontiers in technology. Key areas of focus include: Sustainable Technologies: Promoting green technologies and sustainable practices to address environmental challenges.Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Advancing AI and ML applications across various sectors, including healthcare and finance. Cybersecurity: Strengthening cybersecurity measures to protect against the growing threat of cyber-attacks.

To Explore New Frontiers in Technology

The Mauritius Emerging Technologies Council is a testament to the transformative power of vision and collaboration. Through its comprehensive initiatives and unwavering commitment to innovation, the METC is not only shaping the future of Mauritius but also contributing to the global technological landscape. As it continues to drive progress, the METC exemplifies how strategic foresight and dedicated action can create a prosperous and technologically advanced society.

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Sultan Ahmed Al Suwaidi: Championing Energy and Infrastructure in the UAE

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Sultan Ahmed Al Suwaidi, the UAE’s Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, has emerged as a pivotal figure in the nation’s ambitious plans to diversify its energy sources and enhance its infrastructure. With a rich history of education and career accomplishments, Al Suwaidi’s mission encompasses significant responsibilities, including addressing controversies and spearheading renewable energy initiatives.

Sultan Ahmed Al Suwaidi was born into a family deeply rooted in the UAE’s development landscape. His early education was marked by a keen interest in engineering and technology, leading him to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a prestigious university. Recognizing the importance of advanced knowledge in managing large-scale projects, he furthered his education with a Master’s degree in Engineering Management.

Al Suwaidi’s career began in the public sector, where he quickly established a reputation for his technical expertise and leadership skills. His early roles involved overseeing major infrastructure projects, including the construction of highways, bridges, and public buildings. His dedication and effectiveness in these roles did not go unnoticed, and he was soon appointed to more senior positions within the government.

As the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Al Suwaidi’s mission is multifaceted. He is tasked with ensuring the sustainable development of the UAE’s energy resources, overseeing the maintenance and expansion of critical infrastructure, and promoting the integration of renewable energy sources into the national grid. His vision aligns with the UAE’s broader strategy of reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and embracing a more sustainable and diversified energy mix.

To Reduce The Environmental Footprint of Infrastructure Projects

Like many high-profile leaders, Al Suwaidi has faced his share of controversies. Critics have pointed to delays in some infrastructure projects and questioned the transparency of certain procurement processes. Additionally, there have been debates about the balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability, particularly in the context of large-scale construction projects that may impact natural habitats.

Al Suwaidi has addressed these controversies by emphasizing the importance of robust project management practices and transparent governance. He has also advocated for the adoption of advanced technologies to improve efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint of infrastructure projects. His approach includes engaging with stakeholders, including environmental groups and the public, to ensure that development projects align with the nation’s sustainability goals.

Involvement in Renewable Energy

One of the most notable aspects of Al Suwaidi’s tenure has been his commitment to renewable energy. Under his leadership, the UAE has made significant strides in this area, launching several high-profile projects aimed at harnessing solar and wind energy. The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, one of the largest solar parks in the world, stands as a testament to these efforts.

Al Suwaidi has also been instrumental in shaping policies that encourage investment in renewable energy. He has worked to create a regulatory environment that supports innovation and attracts international partners. His efforts have not only contributed to the UAE’s energy diversification but have also positioned the country as a leader in renewable energy within the region.

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Harnessing the Power of African Influencers for Development (AI4Dev)

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In the dynamic landscape of global development, Africa stands at the crossroads of innovation and progress. Amidst its diverse tapestry of cultures, languages, and landscapes lies a burgeoning force driving change: African Influencers for Development, or AI4Dev. This collective of individuals represents a new wave of advocacy, harnessing the power of digital platforms to propel social and economic advancement across the continent.

At its core, AI4Dev embodies the spirit of grassroots mobilization, leveraging technology to amplify voices and catalyze action. From entrepreneurs pioneering sustainable solutions to activists championing social justice, these influencers wield influence not merely for personal gain, but for the collective upliftment of communities.

One of the defining features of AI4Dev is its decentralization. Unlike traditional top-down approaches to development, these influencers operate from within their communities, intimately understanding local needs and realities. Whether through YouTube channels, Instagram stories, or Twitter threads, they bridge the gap between policymakers and the populace, advocating for inclusive policies and holding leaders accountable.

To Drive Sustainable Development From Within

Moreover, AI4Dev embodies diversity in its truest sense. From the bustling streets of Lagos to the remote villages of Malawi, influencers from all walks of life are united by a common goal: to drive sustainable development from within. This diversity not only enriches the discourse but also ensures that solutions are contextually relevant and inclusive.

Education lies at the heart of AI4Dev’s mission. Recognizing that knowledge is the cornerstone of progress, influencers utilize their platforms to disseminate information and foster dialogue. Whether it’s tutorials on agricultural techniques or discussions on climate change adaptation, they empower individuals to take ownership of their futures, equipping them with the tools to thrive in an ever-changing world.

AI4Dev is not merely a digital movement; it’s a catalyst for tangible change on the ground. By leveraging their networks, influencers mobilize resources and galvanize support for community-led initiatives. Whether it’s crowdfunding for a local school or organizing clean-up drives, they exemplify the power of collective action in driving sustainable development.

Access to Technology, Censorship, Digital Divides… A Lot of Obstacles

In a continent where women often face systemic barriers to participation, AI4Dev stands as a beacon of gender equality. Female influencers play a pivotal role in shaping narratives and driving change, challenging stereotypes and breaking down barriers. From advocating for girls’ education to championing reproductive rights, they are at the forefront of the fight for gender equality and empowerment.

However, AI4Dev is not without its challenges. Limited access to technology, censorship, and digital divides pose significant obstacles to its reach and impact. Moreover, navigating the ethical complexities of influence and representation requires a delicate balance between authenticity and responsibility.

Despite these challenges, the potential of AI4Dev to drive transformative change is undeniable. As Africa continues to navigate the complexities of development in the 21st century, the collective power of its influencers serves as a potent force for progress. By harnessing the power of digital platforms, fostering inclusive dialogue, and driving community-led initiatives, AI4Dev is reshaping the narrative of development from within, one post, one tweet, one action at a time.

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Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak : To Shift Towards a More Sustainable and Equitable Planet

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Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak is a figure whose career is emblematic of contemporary environmental leadership, combining deep passion with a pragmatic approach to conservation and sustainability.
Born and raised in the United Arab Emirates, a country known for its rapid modernization and rich natural ecosystems, Al Mubarak has been deeply influenced by the juxtaposition of progress and preservation. Her educational background, including studies abroad, equipped her with a global perspective on environmental challenges and solutions, setting the stage for her eventual return to the UAE to spearhead its conservation efforts.
Al Mubarak’s nomination as the Director General of the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) marked a significant milestone in her career and the agency’s history. Under her leadership, the EAD has embarked on ambitious projects aimed at protecting the emirate’s biodiversity, addressing climate change, and promoting sustainable development. Her appointment to this critical role reflects not only her expertise and commitment to environmental stewardship but also the UAE’s broader commitment to elevating women to leadership positions in sectors traditionally dominated by men.
One of the core missions of Al Mubarak’s tenure at EAD has been to reconcile economic development with environmental sustainability. Abu Dhabi, as part of the oil-rich UAE, faces unique challenges in balancing its economic backbone with the need to preserve its natural heritage and mitigate climate impacts. Al Mubarak has navigated these waters by promoting innovative conservation projects, such as the reintroduction of native species and the establishment of protected marine and terrestrial areas. She has also been a vocal advocate for renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions, aligning with the UAE’s vision to diversify its energy sources.

Successes and Controversies

Her successes are numerous and varied, ranging from tangible conservation victories, such as the significant increase in the population of the once-endangered Arabian Oryx, to strategic achievements like enhancing Abu Dhabi’s international environmental reputation. These successes underscore her ability to leverage her role for broad, impactful environmental gains.

Al Mubarak’s career has not been without controversy, a common trait among those leading change in complex fields. Her initiatives, especially those pushing for significant shifts in policy or practice, have sometimes faced resistance from traditional sectors accustomed to the status quo. However, her approach—grounded in science, diplomacy, and a genuine dialogue with all stakeholders—has often turned skepticism into collaboration.

Challenges remain, as with any leadership position in a field as dynamic and urgent as environmental conservation. Climate change, habitat loss, and biodiversity decline are global issues that require local actions to be effectively addressed. Al Mubarak’s perspective, shaped by her years of experience and the unique position of Abu Dhabi within the global environmental context, remains focused on innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast belief in the possibility of positive change.

Razan Al Mubarak’s biography is not just a testament to her personal achievements but also a reflection of the evolving role of leadership in environmental conservation. Her journey from a passionate student of the environment to the Director General of the EAD encapsulates a broader narrative of progress, challenge, and hope for a sustainable future. Through her work, Al Mubarak continues to inspire not just immediate action but a generational shift towards a more sustainable and equitable planet.

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Masoud Kipanya : From a Cartoonist to an EV Manufacturer

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Masoud Kipanya is a name synonymous with versatility and innovation in Tanzania. Born into the vibrant culture of East Africa, Kipanya has carved a niche for himself across various sectors, including media, fashion, and now, the burgeoning field of electric vehicle manufacturing. This 500-word article delves into his life, career, and the recent challenges he has encountered as he ventures into uncharted territories.

Masoud Kipanya began his career as a cartoonist, quickly gaining notoriety for his sharp wit and the ability to capture the socio-political landscape of Tanzania through his art. His cartoons, which are widely circulated in national newspapers and online platforms, have not only entertained but also provoked thought and discourse among his audience. His unique style, characterized by humor and poignant observations of everyday life, earned him accolades and a steadfast following.

However, Kipanya’s talents are not confined to the realm of cartooning. He is also a celebrated radio journalist, known for his engaging interviews and insightful commentary on current affairs. His ability to connect with listeners and bring complex issues to the fore has made his radio shows a must-listen for many Tanzanians. Through his work in radio, Kipanya has further cemented his status as a key influencer in the Tanzanian media landscape.

In addition to his contributions to media and journalism, Masoud Kipanya is the entrepreneurial mind behind Kipanya Wear, a clothing company that has gained popularity for its quality and creativity. The brand reflects Kipanya’s artistic vision, blending contemporary designs with traditional Tanzanian motifs. This venture into the fashion industry showcases his versatility and commitment to promoting Tanzanian culture on a global stage.

The latest chapter in Masoud Kipanya’s illustrious career is perhaps his most ambitious undertaking yet: venturing into electric vehicle manufacturing. Recognizing the global shift towards sustainable transportation and the potential for electric vehicles (EVs) in Tanzania, Kipanya embarked on this journey to not only contribute to environmental conservation but also to position Tanzania as a player in the global EV market. This endeavor signifies a significant pivot from his previous roles but underscores his visionary approach and willingness to tackle new challenges.

The transition to electric vehicle manufacturing has not been without its hurdles. The EV industry in Tanzania, like in many developing countries, is in its nascent stages, with challenges ranging from infrastructural readiness to consumer acceptance. Kipanya has had to navigate these waters carefully, advocating for policy support, investment in charging infrastructure, and public education on the benefits of electric vehicles. Despite these challenges, his determination to drive innovation and sustainability in Tanzania’s transportation sector remains unwavering.

Masoud Kipanya’s journey from a cartoonist to an electric vehicle manufacturer encapsulates the spirit of innovation and resilience. His ability to seamlessly transition across different industries, all the while maintaining a commitment to societal improvement, is truly remarkable. As he forges ahead with his electric vehicle venture, the challenges are many, but so are the opportunities. Kipanya’s story is a testament to the power of vision, versatility, and relentless pursuit of progress.

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Progreen : Turning Waste Matter Into Energy

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Progreen Innovations stands at the forefront of environmental and energy solutions in Kenya, championing a revolutionary approach to waste management through its innovative waste-to-fuel technology. This pioneering company, based in Kenya, is reshaping the narrative around waste, transforming it from an environmental burden into a valuable resource for producing alternative fuels.

Founded with the vision of addressing two critical challenges—waste management and the energy crisis—Progreen Innovations embarked on its mission to develop sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. The company recognized the untapped potential of municipal and industrial waste, which traditionally ends up in landfills, contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. By converting this waste into fuel, Progreen Innovation not only aims to reduce the environmental footprint of waste but also to provide a renewable energy source that can mitigate reliance on fossil fuels.

The Waste-to-Fuel Process

The core of Progreen Innovations’s technology lies in its sophisticated waste-to-fuel conversion process. This process involves several stages, starting with the collection and sorting of waste materials. The waste is then subjected to a series of treatments, including drying, pyrolysis, and condensation, to break down the organic material into smaller molecules. The end products are fuels like biodiesel, ethanol, and other biofuels, which can be used in existing engines and infrastructure with minimal modifications.

One of the distinguishing aspects of Progreen’s technology is its efficiency and environmental friendliness. The process is designed to minimize emissions and energy consumption, making it a cleaner alternative to traditional fuel production methods. Moreover, it provides a solution to the problem of plastic waste by converting it into valuable fuel, thus addressing two environmental issues simultaneously.

To Diversify the Energy Mix in Kenya

The impact of Progreen’s work is multifaceted. Environmentally, it offers a sustainable way to manage waste, reducing landfill use and cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. Economically, it contributes to the local economy by creating jobs in waste collection, processing, and fuel distribution. Furthermore, by producing alternative fuels, Progreen helps to diversify the energy mix in Kenya, enhancing energy security and reducing dependence on imported fuels.

Progreen has garnered recognition both locally and internationally for its innovative approach to waste management and energy production. Its achievements include partnerships with municipal governments for waste collection and processing, as well as collaborations with industries seeking sustainable energy solutions.

Future Prospects

Looking forward, Progreen is set to play a pivotal role in Kenya’s environmental and energy landscape. As the world increasingly focuses on sustainability and renewable energy, the demand for alternative fuels is expected to rise. Progreen is well-positioned to expand its operations and scale up its technology to meet this growing demand.

Moreover, the company is exploring new technologies and processes to enhance the efficiency and range of fuels produced from waste. By continuously innovating, Progreen aims to contribute to a circular economy, where waste is not seen as an end product but as a resource that can be continuously reused and recycled.

Progreen embodies the transformative potential of waste-to-fuel technology. Through its pioneering work, it is not only tackling environmental and energy challenges in Kenya but also setting a precedent for sustainable waste management practices worldwide. As Progreen Innovations continues to evolve and expand, its journey offers a hopeful vision of a world where waste is no longer a problem but part of the solution to our energy needs.

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Algeria: A “Start-Up Nation” with Global Aspirations

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Algeria, traditionally known for its rich history and vast natural resources, is increasingly being recognized as a burgeoning “start-up nation.” This North African country, with a young and tech-savvy population, is making strides towards establishing itself as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, aiming to leave a significant footprint on the global digital economy.

The Current Landscape

Algeria’s start-up ecosystem is still in its nascent stages, yet it shows immense promise. The government, realizing the potential of digital transformation, has been instrumental in fostering a conducive environment for start-ups. Initiatives like the National Startup Fund, established to finance innovative projects, and the implementation of the “Start-up Act,” which provides legal and financial support to young entrepreneurs, are pivotal in this journey.

The country’s youthful demographic is a key asset. With over 70% of the population under the age of 30, Algeria boasts a large, dynamic workforce eager to embrace new technologies and innovation. This demographic dividend, combined with increasing internet penetration and mobile usage, sets the stage for a thriving digital economy.

Innovative Projects and Sectors

Algerian start-ups are making waves across various sectors. In tech, there are burgeoning developments in AI, fintech, e-commerce, and renewable energy technologies. Notable examples include TemTem, a successful ride-hailing app, and Djazair Ta3mal, an online platform helping Algerians enhance their employability.

The agricultural sector, integral to the Algerian economy, is also seeing a digital overhaul. Start-ups are leveraging technology to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability, addressing challenges such as water scarcity and food security.

The Future Outlook

The future looks bright for Algeria’s “start-up nation” vision. The government’s increasing focus on digitization and economic diversification, away from oil dependency, signals a commitment to nurturing the start-up ecosystem. Moreover, the growing interest from international investors and venture capitalists in African tech start-ups could bode well for Algeria.

Advantages and Opportunities

Algeria’s strategic location as a gateway between Africa and Europe, combined with its large, young, and increasingly well-educated workforce, presents significant advantages. The country’s rich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes also offer untapped potential in sectors like tourism and cultural industries.

Furthermore, the government’s push towards enhancing digital infrastructure and the gradual shift in societal attitudes towards entrepreneurship are creating a fertile ground for innovation and business growth.

Challenges and Problems

However, the journey is not without its challenges. Bureaucracy, regulatory hurdles, and limited access to funding remain significant obstacles for many start-ups. Additionally, while the government has shown support, more consistent policies and effective implementation are needed to sustain long-term growth.

The education system, though improving, still needs to align more closely with the evolving demands of the digital economy. Bridging the skills gap and fostering a culture of innovation and critical thinking is crucial for the sustainable development of the start-up ecosystem.

Not Just a Dream but an Evolving Reality

Algeria’s aspirations to become a “start-up nation” reflect a bold and forward-thinking approach to economic development. While there are challenges to overcome, the country’s advantages, such as its young population, strategic location, and evolving digital landscape, provide a strong foundation for growth. With continued government support, international collaboration, and an emphasis on education and skills development, Algeria is well-positioned to realize its aspirations on the global stage. The nation’s journey towards becoming a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship is not just a dream but an evolving reality, paving the way for a vibrant and diversified economy.

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Leyja: The Latest Sustainable Tourism Destination in Saudi Arabia

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Leyja, NEOM’s latest sustainable tourism destination in Saudi Arabia, nestled between the Gulf of Aqaba coast and 400-meter-high mountains, exemplifies the kingdom’s commitment to a multifaceted, eco-friendly tourism industry under Vision 2030, offering three architecturally distinct hotels and curated experiences in a nature-reserve setting.

In a significant stride towards a more sustainable and diversified tourism industry, NEOM, Saudi Arabia’s futuristic super-city, has unveiled Leyja, its latest ecotourism destination.

Nestled along the Gulf of Aqaba coast and winding inland through a valley surrounded by 400-meter-high mountains, Leyja is a testament to Saudi Arabia’s commitment to sustainable development and its ambitious Vision 2030 initiative.

Where Is Leyja? 

Leyja is strategically positioned to unfold from the Gulf of Aqaba coast, creating a natural valley that carves through the impressive mountains of NEOM.

What sets Leyja apart is its dedication to preserving nature, with 95% of its expansive landscape designated as a nature reserve.

This aligns with NEOM’s overarching strategy to blend innovative ecological design with construction techniques that integrate seamlessly with the environment.

A Strategic Step in Saudi Arabia’s Commitment

Leyja represents a strategic step in Saudi Arabia’s commitment to diversifying its tourism destinations and boosting its economy. As part of the NEOM super-city, this $500 billion development aims to attract discerning travelers with its ultra-luxurious offerings, including high-end stores, helipads, and fine-dining restaurants helmed by celebrity chefs.

Led by renowned architects Mario Cucinella, Chris van Duijin, and Shaun Killa, Leyja’s architectural direction reflects a harmonious blend of luxury and sustainability. The development features three distinctive hotels, each offering a unique experience while staying true to its natural surroundings.

The “Adventure Hotel” (Chris Van Duijn) is a designed as a vertical structure with a deconstructed aesthetic resembling a cliffside staircase. It’s a hub for tourists seeking high-octane activities such as rock climbing. Its design minimizes impact on the natural terrain, allowing guests to engage with the rugged landscape


“Oasis Hotel” (designed by Mario Cucinella Architects) is emerging from the rocks with five facade fins, it serves as a gateway to exploration, offering panoramic views of the valley. The design mirrors the natural context, providing guests with an immersive experience that complements the breathtaking surroundings

The Wellness Hotel is a reflective retreat with two opposing volumes adorned with high-tech facades. This immersive wellness retreat complements Leyja’s commitment to holistic experiences, offering guests a serene escape amidst nature.

Experiences And Activities At Leyja

Leyja goes beyond traditional hospitality by curating refined experiences for visitors. Fine dining by world-renowned chefs, rooftop infinity-style pools, and wellness facilities are just a glimpse of what the destination has to offer.

For those seeking adventure, Leyja provides guided wadi walks, hiking trails, mountain biking, and climbing, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the dramatic mountain landscape.

Leyja stands as a beacon of sustainable luxury in the heart of Saudi Arabia’s mountains, inviting visitors to experience the beauty of nature without compromising on comfort. As the kingdom continues to invest in projects like Leyja, it not only aims to meet its tourism targets but also sets an example for environmentally conscious and innovative development on a global scale. With Leyja, NEOM is not just creating a destination; it’s crafting an ecological masterpiece that harmonizes with the natural wonders of Saudi Arabia.

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Nollywood : the Nigeria’s burgeoning film industry

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Nollywood, Nigeria’s second-largest film industry, has risen from modest beginnings, revolutionizing storytelling and challenging societal norms, making a significant impact on the global film landscape.

Nollywood, Nigeria’s burgeoning film industry, has rapidly evolved into a global cinematic sensation over the last few decades. Emerging from modest beginnings in 1992, it now stands as one of the world’s most prosperous and influential film sectors, fundamentally reshaping our perceptions of movie production.

Originally rooted in Nigeria’s rich oral traditions, Nollywood draws from centuries of storytelling through song and dance. This deep-seated tradition can still be heavily observed through Nollywood films, where stories often interweave traditional music and dance, adding a unique cultural vibrancy to the industry.

From Humble Beginnings

Nollywood has come a long way since it took off in the early 1990s when trailblazers such as Kenneth Nnebue and Ola Balogun played pivotal roles in its birth. Kenneth Nnebue made history by producing Nigeria’s first feature film, “Living in Bondage” (1992), which immediately captivated audiences and set the stage for a new era in Nigerian cinema.

The film’s success inspired other aspiring filmmakers to enter the industry using video cameras and minimal budgets. These early productions were characterized by their resourcefulness, often filmed on location without the benefit of professional equipment or crews.

Fast-forward to the present, Nollywood has transformed into the second-largest film industry globally, second only to Bollywood in India. Every year, it produces over 2,000 movies and boasts an estimated revenue of $1.2 billion, establishing itself as one of the most prolific film industries worldwide.

Statistics On Nollywood Film Industry 

During the first quarter of 2023, Nollywood exhibited its unwavering productivity by delivering a total of 280 films according to Alhaji Adedayo Thomas, the Executive Director/CEO of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB).

This figure of 280 films actually represents a decrease compared to the 340 films produced in the fourth quarter of 2022, marking an 18 percent decline.

However, this slight dip does not diminish the ongoing significance of Nollywood in the larger context of Nigeria’s economy. Breaking down the production areas, the NFVCB reported that Lagos, as a prominent hub, took the lead with 106 movies.

Following closely was Nigeria’s federal capital, Abuja, contributing 99 films, while Onitsha added 32 to the cinematic landscape. Other cities, such as Abeokuta, Kano, and Benin, also played their part, albeit on a smaller scale.

Nollywood’s Strategy To Become An Empire

There are a couple of key features that helped make Nollywood into what it is today. First of all : the low production costs. The hallmark of Nollywood’s success lies in its ability to craft compelling narratives on limited budgets, often releasing these films directly to the video market instead of going through production companies and studios. Second : they are relatable! These films courageously confront the daily social issues and challenges that confront Nigerians, making them not just movies but mirrors reflecting the lives of millions. 

Also, Nollywood challenges time-honored values and beliefs, nudging individuals to view the world with fresh perspectives. Through their narratives, these films become catalysts for change, encouraging people to question, evolve, and aspire to a different reality.

Last but not least, Nollywood is an Ever-Growing Industry. The industry has, by employing over 200,000 individuals, made a substantial contribution to job creation. Moreover, Nollywood’s reach extends far beyond Nigeria’s borders, with its films captivating audiences in over 50 countries. This international appeal brings foreign investment, elevating the economic fortunes of Nigeria in a globalized world.

Obstacles Ahead For The Nollywood Film Industry

Despite its remarkable size and reach, the industry faces certain obstacles that warrant attention and innovative solutions. One of the most pressing challenges confronting Nollywood is the perennial need for increased funding.Nigerian films are typically produced on modest budgets, which can limit the production values and overall quality of the final product.

This budgetary constraint hinders Nollywood’s ability to compete on a global stage, where Hollywood blockbusters and other regional film industries often command significant financial resources for grand productions.

Rampant Piracy and Distribution Dilemma

Another formidable challenge that continues to plague Nollywood is piracy. Given the relatively low production costs of Nigerian films, they are particularly vulnerable to being illegally copied and distributed. Pirated copies frequently flood the market, and these unauthorized versions are sold on the streets at a fraction of their original price.

While the industry enjoys strong viewership within Africa, expanding its reach globally remains a complex endeavor. Getting Nigerian films into international movie theaters can be a time-consuming process, as many distributors prioritize established foreign films with proven track records of audience appeal.

How Nollywood Has Impacted The Globe

Nollywood’s impact on the film industry is undeniable. As the second-largest film industry globally, it has reshaped storytelling, challenged societal norms, and made substantial economic contributions.

Despite facing challenges, Nollywood’s influence continues to grow, highlighting the remarkable power of cinema to transcend borders and inspire change. It is a vibrant testament to the enduring and transformative impact of storytelling on a global scale.

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Fadi Ghandour : The Visionary Behind Wamda

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Fadi Ghandour has made a lasting mark on the world of logistics and technology in the Middle East. Born on March 2nd, 1959, his journey is a testament to the incredible potential of perseverance and innovation.

Fadi is arguably most well-known for co-founding Aramex back in 1982. If you aren’t familiar with it already, it’s a company that started as a humble local courier service and grew into a global logistics powerhouse.

Under the guidance of Fadi Ghandour, Aramex expanded its reach far beyond borders, establishing a formidable presence throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond. Their remarkable journey culminated in the company going public on the NASDAQ stock exchange in 1997. However, Fadi Ghandour’s impact doesn’t end there.

The Driving Force Behind MENA’s Thriving Tech Startup Ecosystem

As a co-founder of Wamda Capital, Fadi Ghandour has been instrumental in fueling the dreams of countless budding entrepreneurs across the Middle East and North Africa, injecting vitality into the world of innovation. Beyond business, Ghandour’s philanthropic efforts and social initiatives shine just as brightly. 

His dedication to propelling economic development and fostering innovation in the Middle East has not only earned him acclaim but has transformed the landscape of the region.

Fadi Ghandour’s journey is nothing short of inspirational. His entrepreneurial spirit, combined with his commitment to driving innovation in the Middle East, makes him a standout figure in the business world.

Wamda, An Accelerant Of Innovative Entrepreneurship Systems

Wamda is a multifaceted platform and ecosystem dedicated to nurturing entrepreneurship and driving innovation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It plays a pivotal role in supporting startups and equipping them with the resources needed to thrive in this dynamic and ever-changing landscape.

Wamda Capital sits at the core of Wamda. It’s an integral part of the organization and serves as a venture capital fund that injects essential financial support into both early-stage and growth-stage startups across MENA.

By providing capital, they empower these startups to transform innovative concepts into successful and (long-term) sustainable businesses. However, Wamda’s impact extends far beyond financial backing.

The organization is deeply committed to fostering a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem through mentorship and networking initiatives. It connects emerging startups with seasoned mentors, industry experts, and potential investors. This will naturally enable them to gain access to invaluable guidance, forge strategic partnerships, and secure additional funding to fuel their growth.

The organization also hosts a range of gatherings, conferences, and educational programs that bring together a diverse community of entrepreneurs and industry experts. These events serve as dynamic platforms for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and the showcasing of innovative ideas.

Generating Knowledge And Insights About The MENA Startup Landscape

Through extensive research efforts and the publication of informative reports, Wamda equips policymakers, investors, and entrepreneurs with a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in the region. Additionally, Wamda operates a media platform that disseminates news, stories, and analyses related to entrepreneurship, startups, and technology in MENA.

This content not only informs and educates, but also celebrates the accomplishments and breakthroughs of startups in the region.

Fadi Ghandour’s remarkable journey from co-founding Aramex to his pivotal role in nurturing the MENA region’s startup ecosystem through Wamda and Wamda Capital is truly inspirational. His commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship continues to shape the future of the Middle East and Africa, fostering a vibrant landscape of innovation and economic growth.

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