Igho Sonami is one of Africa’s most socially and economically influential people today whose success is seen on an international scale. Having transformed the dynamic of the oil and power world, he has become a major success in his own right, and continues to diversify the landscape of the oil and power industries, while playing an integral role in the social and economic development of Western Africa.
Oil industry leader Igho Sonami promotes social and economic influence

Why Morocco intervened in Yemen?

In light of the downing of a Moroccan F-16 jet in Yemen, the question “Why is Morocco intervening in the Yemen crisis?” must be asked. The Foreign Ministry has abandoned its legendary discretion and The Royal Air Force – along with a Saudi Arabia led coalition- is engaging in Yemen against Houthi Shiite rebels. Why does Morocco have an interest in this? Here are some explanations.
False Alarms During Dubai’s Second « Property Crash »

In mid- January 2015, many real-estate developers and financial experts were worried: with Dubai World’s debt-restructuring talks looming overhead, a stock market meltdown and subsequently devastating property crash seemed almost inevitable. (more…)
Chinese investment funds in Africa

The increasing number and capitalization of Chinese investment funds in Africa causes both opportunities and losses for African countries.
According to the latest China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation White Paper published in 2013, cumulative Chinese OFDI (outward foreign direct investment, showing the total accumulated value of assets) to Africa amounts to US$21 billion (by official figures). Statistics published by Chinese Ministry of Commerce show that Chinese yearly OFDI flows to Africa increased sharply from $317 mn in 2004 up to $2.52 bn in 2012. Chinese premier minister Li Reqtang, while his official visit to Africa in 2014, predicted that Chinese OFDI to Africa will reach $100 bn by 2020. (more…)